Clockwise from the north, these are Forst an der Weinstraße, Friedelsheim, Rödersheim-Gronau, Niederkirchen bei Deidesheim, Meckenheim, Ruppertsberg, Neustadt an der Weinstraße, Lindenberg, Lambrecht, Frankeneck, Neidenfels and ..... In the early 19th century in Deidesheim, an influential class of winery estate owners formed who always put forward the honorary mayor, even through to the Weimar Republic's downfall, and were markedly overrepresented on town council. ...
Rödersheim-Gronau. City breaks. Großenstein. City breaks. Schmiechen. City breaks. Waldbüttelbrunn. City breaks. Gülzow-Prüzen. City breaks. Freiburg (Elbe). City breaks. Velburg. City breaks. (2 Hotels). Nächst Neuendorf. City breaks ...